Anchor text question - N00b alert!
I'm going to sound quite retarded when I ask this, but I just need to get it off my chest..
Lets say all I want, is to rank for 'pizza' and 'pizza shop',
Do I need to make sure my anchor text says those two words? Forget all the article spinning and all that, lets say thats all sorted and talks about pizzas and all their variations.. My question is about the anchor text, would I need to
1) have, for example {pizza|pizza shop} OR
2) would I need 10-15 'pizza' related anchors {pizza|pizza shop|mushroom pizzas|pizza from heaven..... OR
3) would is it an obvious combination of the anchor text AS WELL AS the actual content in the articles.. (for Tier 1 purposes)
If it's number 3, then how important is anchor text really?
Lets say i'm aiming for just one keyword, would I use option 1 above?
Lets say i'm aiming for just one keyword, would I use option 1 above?
Hope I explained myself well 

Well, you know my answer. You want those two and 8 others while you are at it.
Look, Google is a woman. If you have your eyes set on just those two terms, and only that, that is like staring Google down, your eyes are bugging out, you have sweat on your brow, your licking your lips and you're rubbing your thigh. She's going to run out of the bar because you are a creep!
Instead, walk in the bar, just throw her a glance, and never look back. Just a hint that you noticed her. Talk to other women, have some of them look longingly at you. Google will notice that and think, hey, he must have some game.
Then throw some of your LSI terms in there (your guy friends who really are your wingmen), and have them get close to Google and mention "Hey, there's Insane. What a cool dude." - just so she can barely hear it.
The whole time you do your thing, and not stare at her. She will then come to you.
You have one chance to make a good impression. Either you get all creepy and scare the crap out of her, or you lead her down a trail to believe you are really the man.
She will recognize what others say, and then make the judgment if she's going to go home with you. So you either get the bird, or you end up with the chicken in bed.
The End.
@InSaNe check out this 6 video series.. opened my eyes to anchor text diversity and what's currently going on.. after checking my websites backlinking anchor spread and implementing these techniques I'm rising all the time.
Your linkbuilding with anchor text identifies the primary suspects of what your website is likely about. You don't want to be obvious. So you have a bunch of highly related terms, and they may include the exact term included in some of the other anchors, and they may not have the exact term. But you want the closest terms. I say 10, Others might say 6 or 20. Bottom line: You give Google choices.
LSI terms are support terms you would expect to see on a site if it is about a certain term. For example, if your site is about pizza, you would expect terms on your website - and occasional links - for terms like tomato sauce, pepperoni, mushrooms, parmesan, onions, sausage, large, medium, small, thin crust, hard crust. LSI terms help to complete the picture that you really are about pizza, and a machine like google would certainly expect to see such terms on a website about pizza. If you didn't, then it would not make sense. That is the purpose of LSI - they are your wingmen that help validate that you are about pizza.
Your website determines which terms you really want to rank for. Those are the terms in your title, h1, description, etc.
Now google analyzes all this information, and because you weren't too obvious, it concluded you are about pizza.
You lead the horse to the water. You don't shove her nose in it.
I will ask this question though: 'Some say :It's important to really desaturate anchor text with, "click here", "this link", "my url", or clearly mispelled versions or the url like "" and also common names like "John Camden"...etc. etc..
Do you find it important? Or the 15% generic text option you suggested before is enough?
Thanks in advance..
Noob - that's me name!
I think some random terms are important, but I think the url is even more important because that is what blog owners would use to link you up a lot of the time.
The biggest concern I have with random terms is the same highly unique random terms appearing several times, especially really long terms like "click on this website link to learn more". => The issue being: how many times would that really appear in 'real life'? Probably once if I had to guess.
I think the random terms need to be far more diverse to look natural. Look at your verified links and sort by anchor text. You will see what I mean.