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how to edit articles imported from gsa

I have imported articles from GSA to Wordpress, but why the articles can't be edited? When I delete the image in the article (featured image) and I replace the featured image with another image, why can't it be done? always appear featured image from the original image imported from GSA


  • SvenSven
    Sorry I don't understand your question. Is this maybe related to wordpress editing?
  • jatkunjatkun Indonesia
    all articles have been imported into wordpress, after my article was published, there is a featured image that does not match with the contents of the post, and I want to change it, I have changed and deleted the featured image, but why can't it be done? always the old featured image appears from imported GSA, even though I deleted it and replaced it. Why did it happen?
  • SvenSven
    seems to me like a wordpress issue no? Why should GSA Content Generator have something to do with it?
  • Late to the party, but for others stumbling in here, this is a cache issue and has nothing to do with GSA. You are (hopefully) using cache plugins in WP. It's also possible your web host and/or CDN have caching enabled as well. Make sure to clear all caches including browser and CDN cache.
  • sven hello
    when are you going to make a change to publish articles in different categories and even publish pages?
  • SvenSven
    thats not that easy. When posting with xmlrpc e.g. I dont see how that would be possible at all.
    right now you can export the articles at least for wordpress with page/category filled. Just that you need to manually import these export files to wordpress again.
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