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Text Formatting?


Just curious, is there any way to include basic text formatting such as bold or italics in emails?


  • SvenSven
    What you send here is pure text as almost any contact forms only support that.

    In best case you can use **bold** but thats only interpreted as being bold by some mail clients receicving it. I would never use it as it looks suspicious anyway and only raises spam-filters.
  • CyberwebbyCyberwebby
    Ok thanks.
  • @Cyberwebby
    Just tried <strong></strong> & <i></i> tags to a basic WP form and checked in clients: Thunderbird, Squirrel, Horde & Round Cube... all of them had no formatting and the tags were stripped out.

    Makes sense, the software is inputting plain text to the form and submitting.

    That being said it is important to make sure any URLs you include in your message have http:// or https:// and good idea to close with a slash (/) to make sure the email client identifies it as a URL and hyperlinks it.
    Thanked by 1johnpeter123
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