How do I fix encoding on projects?
I messed up all my SER projects a while back. I wrote about this in another post months ago.
Checking my backups, I found it happened when I did a bulk search-and-replace in my projects to alter settings and didn't pay attention to the unicode encoding.
This first came to my attention b/c Polish and German characters were messed up.
Sven realized I must have screwed up the encoding, somehow. And I did.
Now, I have to fix EVERYthing, still.
Anyone know of an existing utility that will simply change encoding?
This seems like a super-easy utility to write, I mean all it would do is open a file, check first chars, on match, repace, save.
Still...anyone know a script that will do this that exists?
Then, I will just go into SER, open projects one at a time, and change the German and Polish fields. Seems easiest way to fix w/o making more issues.