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Skip the following IP Ranges

DeeeeeeeeDeeeeeeee the Americas
edited November 2019 in GSA Proxy Scraper
Hello, again. Not trying to be a pain, but I have more Qs.

Someone else besides Sven know this stuff?? :pirate:  I just hate bothering Sven if someone else can answer!

If I choose [/] Skip the following IP-ranges (I notice this matches the "dangerous IP list .txt)


Does this mean proxies in this range are NOT tested when found on scraped lists?

                        proxies in this range (that have been acquired and tested, determined working)
                       are to be SKIPPED when using as a proxy server?


  • SvenSven
    This is for testing new found proxies...if any proxy is in that IP-range, it is skipped. All proxies being in the list already stay.
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