Port Scanning and Randomizer
the Americas
I know there are warning on using this feature, as its use could get one banned because an ISP sees this as behavior of potential-malware. And of course, I'd rather not have that, if preventable.
Is this correct so far...?
If so, is there a randomizer that can just keep track of ports scanned instead of going sequentially? Or, is it already like this?
I know Sven is a wizard and needs no help, but just for the sake of conversation, you could programmatically just use two lists, one for scanned, another for un-scanned, ports, rather than a counter, (if that's how it's, indeed, done) and then use a random number generator that dynamically eliminates already-tested ports by excluidng them in each new draw.
Maybe even scan multiple IPs or a range at once, as well?
And, a time-randomizer, if one chooses not to hammer IPs, but rather do so at some random, ever-changing, tempo?
You dont want to scan univerisities and public care. Also security and goverment...
pastebin is a common ip ranges that u do not want to scan, i found it somewhere on the github
maybe sven can add that as a default to the software,