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What anchor text settings do I use when using URL#Anchor

I have URL#Anchor so I have already an anchor text. There is only one setting I see is the "Vary Anchor Text" and that is about it. 

Am I missing something 


  • SvenSven
    I don't understand the question really. What other setting are you referring to?
    If you use URL#ANCHOR, then the anchor from the URL is used instead of the "main anchor text" input field.
  • Sorry if I wasn't clear. 

    If I have URL#Anchor, I don't want to vary the anchor text. Can I ignore any settings in the "Anchor Text" section and I should be ok?
  • SvenSven
    sure, just ignore it. Also you might want to disable all engines that use there own anchor text (right click on the selection->uncheck...).
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