Handle status codes in engine.ini
We could determine if sumission is successfull by status code. We can say engine does not match by status code, and more... Can that be already done?
Don't you think that status code should be handled beacuse sometimes we just waste time? Why look for an answer if we can decide by status code? It is in headers already, so we can even skip downloading the body.
We can filter out the bad websites and avoid debugging them etc. if a server returns a status code ex. 503 we should trust the server that submission failed.
edit: false positives are pain in the ...
In engine.ini
whoops... not working for me
modify step condition
page must have
modify url condition
page must have
modify url condition
And these are really helpfull. I would like to get your input beacuse its something that holds me back. Aswell as the priority of page must have url must have over submit messages.
modify step condition with httpstatus:404 and negative match works
(i have to create sample projects for you so you can use them to debug)