Bugs in SEO Indexer

Automatically pause SEO Indexer, I have to start 3,5 days once, generated "bugreport" plz fix the issue.
2 months back also generated same "bugreport" until issue not solved. check my SEO Indexer bugreport history.
2 months back also generated same "bugreport" until issue not solved. check my SEO Indexer bugreport history.
3,5 days only I have to start manually, if stop again I will sent you next bugreport.
1) GSA URL RD hanged out not able to restart again, (Solved)
2) SEO Indexer issue only paused when I click start button it will continue.
Sorry seven I could not understand, I'm just for next updatoin.
Do you want my vps access I will sent you when again pause the SEO Indexer again
If any issue I will sent bugreport
Thank U.
Latest updation SEO Indexer generating very low indexer links
I sent bug report every time stopped seo indexer