Newbee here - Should I buy GSA SER?

Good Day Everyone!
Lately I was thinking about purchasing GSA SER. I am working on a budget project at the moment and planning to post medium quality including captchas backlinks. from what I know, you can either do non-catptcha backlinks or use their tool.
I wonder if you can solve them manually while having the rest automated by GSA. What is your opinion?
So if you intend to use GSA SER regularly, on a number of projects, don't think twice about buying, be prepared to throw in a few weeks to get acquainted with the power and prepare to throw in more $$$ for the above stuff.
Doing captcha by hand is possible, but far from recommended. You will need your hands elsewhere ;-) e,g, creating content.
If you just have like a couple of webpages, forget it. Buy SEO services from fiverr or panels, the prices are unbeatable.