GSA setting + serocket list
I would need the help of the community
I would need the help of the community
I work with GSA + captcha breaker + Serocket list + 10 proxy all running on a vps
I thought I would gain in speed and efficiency with a list but I'm a little disappointed even if I think my settings shouldn't be great.
I have a lot of messages no engine matches or download failed (return...)
the number of links created is really low
do you see things to change?
"integrated directly into search engines" means what? I don't use these serocket lists. Do they ask you to change where your verified directory points to, or do you have to import them as target URLs? If the latter, your "show stats..." should show 1000s, if they integrate via the 4 special directories, not.
But I would say these are clearly questions for the list provider's support.
interested to hear from you and possibly we can get through this
50$ for a freakin' list is steep, given that you can get so much for a fiverr....