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weird anchor text

edited March 2013 in Need Help
checked my site using ahrefs and seeing something weird with anchor texts..

im seeing 90% of my anchors like this:

"Keyword -"

is gsa somehow appending "-"

after my kw for some reason.


  • Yes, i've seen it too
  • also seeing some file macros in the anchors
  • for what platforms you are getting those anchors?
  • SvenSven
    I guess it is coming from the trackback format 2 engine. This requires a name and a anchor text which will build the final anchor text on the page. The only way to not make it "anchor - anchor" or "name - anchor" is to use two different things in it. I made it "anchor - domain" to make it look natural and still not use some silly name which is more unrelated than your domain.
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