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Keyword Order / phrase order

edited March 2013 in Need Help
From YOUR experience (and not just some blogger babbling and repeating warriorforum..)

does the keyword order place an important role?

lets say you have "blue wigets" as your anchor..... do you need to do SEO for "widgets blue" too?

for mee thats kind of overdoing it.. over-seo and risking too much with same anchortexts....

sometimes, only one correct word order makes sense, thats true.. sometimes, its indifferent..


  • edited March 2013
    no, you don't... "blue widgets" is your exact, widgets blue is a phrase for that exact, so if you rank #1 for blue widgets, that doesn't mean you will rank #1 for widgets blue
    seo for widgets blue is not necessary, but you can use it as a secondary keyword.
    I haven't tested this, but this is my opinion based on my seo knowledge and what logic tell me.
  • :-(

    that now means some work for me...thank yoou..
  • aslo search in google for Blue Widgets, you will see a website ranking #1, but if you search for widgets blue same website is ranking #2.

    Also search in google with quotes "blue widgets" and "widgets blue" and you will notice te results are not the same.
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