Base64 encode error
Gsa CB is sending the captcha task in binary, example:
"clientKey": "myClientKey",
"task": {
"type": "ImageToTextTask",
"soft_id": 394,
"body": "?PNG\n \rIHDR x !\b ?o? ,?
,?IDATx?{w?????F??5 ??R??~??^???\b?\b??]B!\r?bo?n?????z?=???s??
,?IDATx?{w?????F??5 ??R??~??^???\b?\b??]B!\r?bo?n?????z?=???s??
...a lot of binaries...
\"?C??N??BX IEND?B`?",
"languagePool": "en",
"phrase": false,
"case": false,
"numeric": 0,
"math": false,
"minLength": 0,
"maxLength": 0
I already tried to change the "base64 encode=1".
Thanks in advance!
I already tried to change the "base64 encode=1".
Thanks in advance!
Sadly, our company is kind of restrict regarding this kind of thing, sending you our API key would require us to refresh it later and change it on a bunch of systems.
You could reproduce it without a key or using a random one, just fire up an interceptor like Wireshark, that's how we found the issue.