GSA AA List, Remaining Targets URLS Constantly Going Up?
I usually upload ~200k-300k Target URLs for it to try to post to as a means to increase my AA list since I'm constantly scrapping with scrapebox but after a couple days I check the "Remaining Target URLs" and for example it says 8k, next day I check and it says 3k, then next day 5k, then 7k, then back to down 3k, then again 6k etc...
It's always changing, what does this mean???
Also getting A LOT (90%+) of "No Engines Match" even though I scrape with built-in GSA Footprints...
I'm using 100 threads for 24 proxies.
It's always changing, what does this mean???
Also getting A LOT (90%+) of "No Engines Match" even though I scrape with built-in GSA Footprints...
I'm using 100 threads for 24 proxies.
Thanks! That was the issue and I'll leave it on I guess since it's a few hundred a day extra considering I go through these lists faster than I can scrape them honestly.
One more question, why do I get so damn many "No engine matches" errors? I'm scraping with built-in GSA footprints. 100 Threads, 24 proxies, 5 mb download size, 180 html timeout
> import new lists> start