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How to export proxies based on type?

I would like to export proxies based upon the type they are. For example, Google passed and so on. Can this be done? Also, can it be exported as a ext file? I would like to have all of the proxies exported by type in the text file.


  • SvenSven
    yes you can export by type. On the export template you can define what TAG must by present to do that.
  • How do I edit the export template?
  • SvenSven
    no need to edit that directly. You go to options and create one export. There you have export filters and can do that.
  • I'm a little confused. Walk me through this process. I want to export a file that has Google passed proxies, Elite, and so on. What is the exact process that I do to export this as a text file.

    It should look like this:



    and so on.
  • SvenSven
    hmm I though you wanted one file for each type...combining all in one file, grouped by type is not possible
  • One file for each works too. How can I do that?
  • SvenSven
    please define an export type as written here:
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