How to retrieve and save the verfication URL from email after registration
Hi @sven, there are some site require two step to activate user account after the registartion step is done.
First step is extracting URL from email.
Second step is open the extracted URL, then click the "activate" button to submit a form.
I tried to retrieve the verifcation URL from email like below:
extract from email=Activation_URL
;== Sample of activate URL:
find url=%targethost%*/activate/*
;==first step of login step is opening the verification URL, then submit to "activate" form
alternative url=%Activation_URL%
just download=1
Unfortunately it doesn't work, it's empty after I write the variable %activation_URL% to a local file.
Please advise, thanks in advance.
Please advise how to save the verification URL extracted from email, and use it in the further login step?
;=== debug the variable