Need Help: Mobile SERPs SLIPPED on Google Update On 5/30/18
Hmm...Lost mobile presence, KWs went way down.
Google announced that if ur site is slow, it's!
So...I didn't follow wise caution on here and only optimized my images after this.
BUT---the pages didnt recover. No new KWs, tho the few that are left are improving.
What's gone are the background ones that were lower in SERPs, and more numerous.
With SRCSET and various sized images, pages load faster.
Also doing my Schema markup as well...
And looking into the ⚡AMP stuff, but my sites are too piecemeal for that, RN. Maybe will make ONE AMP page, the front??
Also, site is HTTP, and only has HTTPS on (some) forms. If this is crucial that I go 100% https, someone please let me know. It seems a vast waste.
I avoided HTTPS b/c less useful header info on user in HTTPS. (Is this situation different now??)