FEATURE REQUEST: Global Blacklist
Cape Town
I would like to have 1 global blacklist across a few VPS's. To do this I'd like to be able to specify a txt file that it checks.
(like the #file macro)
It would also make it much easier adding domains to it. (i.e. if you're checking your inbox and want to remove someone you just update the TXT file rather than having to login to the VPS & import it)
I would like to have 1 global blacklist across a few VPS's. To do this I'd like to be able to specify a txt file that it checks.
(like the #file macro)
It would also make it much easier adding domains to it. (i.e. if you're checking your inbox and want to remove someone you just update the TXT file rather than having to login to the VPS & import it)
In Article Manager "Add Folder". If I'm not mistaken, this is a one-time import now, but it would be great if it would check for new articles every time a project is set to active.
What if you're using Contact Submitter to scrape & submit? Surely it needs to check the blacklist first?
"That said I do blacklist filtering before loading the urls into website contact. "
What's the best way to do that?
I got a few contact form submitted with:
System 1:
'click here to never be contacted again' and had an URL which I assume added you to a global blacklist
This would be much easier than having to check an inbox and add people to a black list.
System 2:
reply with 'stop' to not be contacted again. Again I assume they have some filter that detects this and auto removes them.
Would something like this be possible?
-> the goal would be just blacklist domains with an easy stop contacting me link.
I guess that opt out website is on a different server IP! :-)
Time to get cracking and take action on your great advice.
I felt that opt outs was a PITA but hadn't built a process on it yet.
To have these working? (Then we can use them in the unsubscribe link to pass the correct variable out for the project.
But for the unsubscribe I want to tag in the domain it used to submit in the website field for the contact form. (You see it grabs a random one from a list of domains. e.g. website.xyz, website.abc, - I never use my real one and each project has multiple domains it uses that redirect to the main website so I can keep my main website clean)
%url_domain% - I thought this would do that.
- I'm trying to append the website it used in the submissions to an unsub url. (e.g /unsub/?project=mywebsite.com, /unsub/?project=mywebsite.xyz, etc)
If %domain% is the domain I'm using to submit what is the variable for the domain of the site it's filling out the contact form on?
What's the variable for the domain name used in the website field?