Access Violation
After rebooting my system today, GSA PI gave me a nasty message stating "Access violation at address 0...C22C66 in module"
What was worse then the message was I lost all my GSA PI programs. Everything was wiped clean. This is very concerning considering the amount of time allocated to certain programs that are Monitoring live jobs with millions of scrapped links.
Also, once the error message has been "OK" and GSA PI is running, the error message continues to pop-up during use!
I feel like a beta tester utilizing this program for a bug report! Even when I check the program for updates, it gives me an error message "Access violation at address 0...4F7644 in module"
What is wrong with GSA PI?????????????????????
What was worse then the message was I lost all my GSA PI programs. Everything was wiped clean. This is very concerning considering the amount of time allocated to certain programs that are Monitoring live jobs with millions of scrapped links.
Also, once the error message has been "OK" and GSA PI is running, the error message continues to pop-up during use!
I feel like a beta tester utilizing this program for a bug report! Even when I check the program for updates, it gives me an error message "Access violation at address 0...4F7644 in module"
What is wrong with GSA PI?????????????????????
Maybe some files got corrupt. Have you tried doing a full uninstall/reinstall?
The file would be called projects.json
If its not there, I don't think you would be able to get it back unfortunately.