Where did the higher solve rate .ini file go?
I worked on Nganluong.ini yesterday and got a good solve rate that I wanted to get even higher.
I made a filter set combo that was improved by Sven's suggestion of using Auto Improve.
Auto Improve was on all day, so I aborted the process, then saved the file.
(I had also changed the solve rate counter...but did I do so after saving?!)
I aborted, then saved the new, more effective filter set. OK.
After this, I tried some other features, like:
-test for best segmentation- Could not be improved
All I know is, the improved changes in the filter sets that were found by improved by the Auto Improve all evening seem gone; the counter is down to 1% in the Captcha info page. Huh?! This is only entered by hand, correct?
I guess I somehow overwrote the file??!~
I don't know what happened. It was late last nite.
Maybe I just re-saved it in a different spot in the folders?
Nope; just checked and it's the only .ini file I saved in that dir yesterday, plus as I recall the captcha had a weird name and I recall navigating there via directory and clicking on the captcha .ini, not entering a name by hand to save.
I made a filter set combo that was improved by Sven's suggestion of using Auto Improve.
Auto Improve was on all day, so I aborted the process, then saved the file.
(I had also changed the solve rate counter...but did I do so after saving?!)
I aborted, then saved the new, more effective filter set. OK.
After this, I tried some other features, like:
-test for best segmentation- Could not be improved
All I know is, the improved changes in the filter sets that were found by improved by the Auto Improve all evening seem gone; the counter is down to 1% in the Captcha info page. Huh?! This is only entered by hand, correct?
I guess I somehow overwrote the file??!~

I don't know what happened. It was late last nite.

Maybe I just re-saved it in a different spot in the folders?
Nope; just checked and it's the only .ini file I saved in that dir yesterday, plus as I recall the captcha had a weird name and I recall navigating there via directory and clicking on the captcha .ini, not entering a name by hand to save.
That new solve rate is only saved when saving the file.
It is automatically changed on a full test or when doing a brute force from the first filter set on.
I accidentally placed it in the root of the "Unknown" set. I'll move it one level down into it's proper place. (It's actually for an OSCommerce/ZC directory, so I should move it there, instead.)
"That new solve rate is only saved when saving the file."
Maybe I DIDN'T save?! Who knows. It was a long day and I messed up, somehow.
"It is automatically changed on a full test or when doing a brute force from the first filter set on."
OK. Sometimes CB DOES change it. Good to know.
Thanks again, Sven.