How do I adjust the GUI to make the CAPTCHAs *gigantic* oncreen?
***I FINALLY HAVE THIS PROGRAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*** 

Incredible. No crashing. Typical GSA stability.
Same with the SDK.
This program is exactly what I was looking for!!!!!!!!! Sooooooooooooooo many options!!!!!!
GSA-CB even solves CAPTCHAs using multiple OCR engines as well as multiple solve-filter-processes! And, intelligent learning to optimize solve rates. Definitely a LOT of fun!!!
Oh. Right,, my question. lol

Is there a way to turn on a mode so that the CAPTCHAs show up GIGANTIC, with info?? I just wonder b/c I could literally sit here and eat popcorn watching them go by. lol Some amazingly new and interesting CAPTCHAs out there!
Now I can actually work at solving them, too. My past CAPTCHA software didn't work so well on my somewhat older OS, and so the SDK was crashy.

I'm happy the GSA-CB software works on even my Win 7 machine.

sorry, nothing like that.
I guess it has no serious purpose, so no loss.
Just wondering....