Already Parsed
I use gsa ser for tier 2 mostly. I import targets using import text file directly to projects. VPM and LPM boosts initially faster. After that it start dropping. I then manually delete target url history as already parsed error starts to showing up alot. I know why it is coming but can there any be option in gsa ser for projects to ignore target url history and post again on the link if it already had posted it once.. This works great for article sites too. I hope @Sven got my point. I will be really thankful if this option can be implemented. Thanks
Click on Project in projects panel, then, in Options Tab, go to bottom for multiple posts on one target URL parameters u can set.
I've not done this yet, so unsure if Im right.
I didnt mean that. Let me explain
I have target urls like
So what ser does is that after processing the first it never parses the next 3 urls and never tries to post on those as those are from the same domain. I want ser to post and process other 3 urls too ignoring the fact that they are from same domain or same url.