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Tutorials about GSA Search Engine Ranker in Russian | Руководства на русском

Lord_AlfredLord_Alfred world
edited February 2018 in Other / Mixed
I ordered the translation into the Russian language of several useful articles about GSA SER from the blog of Shaun Mars. I did not find lessons or training for Search Engine Ranker in Russian, so I decided that Russian-speaking webmasters also need to know about this great program.

At the moment 3 articles about creation of the list of resources for the publication are translated.

Я заказал переводы на русский язык нескольких полезных статей о GSA SER из блога Shaun Mars. Я не нашел уроков или обучения для Search Engine Ranker на русском, поэтому решил что русскоязычные веб-мастера тоже должны знать об этой прекрасной программе.

На данный момент переведено 3 статьи о создании списка ресурсов для публикации.

Список статей:
  1. Введение в построение списка доменов автопринятия
  2. Как построить собственный список доменов автопринятия, используя программу GSA Search Engine Ranker
  3. Как построить завершенный список автопринятия, пользуясь инструментами SEO

В дальнейшем появятся и другие переводы, если это будет интересно читателям моего блога.
Thanked by 1fmdnepr


  • SvenSven
    Thanks a lot. I have added links here as well.
    Thanked by 1Lord_Alfred
  • Было бы здорово увидеть статью по адаптации gsa под работу рунетом.
  • Sven said:
    Thanks a lot. I have added links here as well.
    I would remove this translation from the official documentation. The author does not hide the fact that he deals with doorways and in his documentation there are links to one of such doorways.
    In addition, the article is translated inaccurately and in Russian does not correspond to the original text at all.
  • fmdnepr said:

    I would remove this translation from the official documentation. The author does not hide the fact that he deals with doorways and in his documentation there are links to one of such doorways.
    In addition, the article is translated inaccurately and in Russian does not correspond to the original text at all.
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    You might want to contribute by correcting or providing a translations into Ukrainian.
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