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Should I be basing the links created each day on limiting SUBMITTED or VERIFIED?

What's going on, GSA pplz? :)

When I am making a campaign, I see I can't just let the program run and get ridiculous spikes of 1000 links when the usual is only 10. :|

Thankfully, GSA made it so you can pause a project after X links.

You can PAUSE or STOP a project after XX SUMBISSIONS or VERIFIED links for YY minutes.

Click project>>Options>>

It's right there at the top of the page. :)

But which is more important that I count, S or V links?

I've been more focused on verified, but submissions can become verified, and some types of links don't verify, right?

Also, anyone know what it means by PAUSE or STOP? I guess stop turns project inactive?

If a project gets paused for, let's say, 1200 mins, but I restart it manually or shut down GSA and re-start, will it keep the project from running until those 1200 mins have passed?



  • But which is more important that I count, S or V links?
    -- My vote goes to V
    I've been more focused on verified, but submissions can become verified, and some types of links don't verify, right?
    --Most of the type verify.

    Not sure about pause and stop. I guess Pause will restart project after x minute, while stop will not restart automatically.
  • DeeeeeeeeDeeeeeeee the Americas
    edited February 2018
    "Not sure about pause and stop. I guess Pause will restart project after x minute, while stop will not restart automatically. " -humancoder

    But neither will prevent user from manually over-riding and restarting before set time (in the case of pause, at least)?

    Also, would it serve any purpose to have historical Submitted charting? Maybe over time it could show changes in link-stick efficiency?

  • If you manually restart, the counter is reset, example, if you set pause/stop after 100 verified link, it will post 100 verified link and stop again.
    So nothing will prevent you from start posting again at anytime.

    I do not understand the 2nd topic clearly. if you mean historical Submitted charting in search engine, than it will not serve anything because those link will take so long to indexed in google.
  • DeeeeeeeeDeeeeeeee the Americas
    edited February 2018
    @humancoder : Thanks, man,for the clarification re. the pause/stop features! :)

    As for the second part, I saw the place Sven directed me to, but I was wondering if having historical data for Submitted, like there is now for Verified, would be useful.

    And if so, having the option of showing the two charts of each, super-imposed against one another, as well. 

    It seems a user could detect changes in ratio visually, which could correspond to a change made in a GSA project execution, settings, and content.

    Like, if I started using CrappyCAPTCHA service b/c I liked their ad even though the name suggested the service would suck :p , and my Submitted links skyrocketed, while the Verified started to decline sharply, I could find out where I went wrong if I kept good enough notes on each project and run.

    Same for if I bought proxies on a site from a shady user wanting to be paid in Western Union funds only, and then using the proxies and finding that they're actually transparent and flagged a year ago, but only after seeing a drop in Verified on the superimposed chart, while the Submitted went way up.

    A historical ratio might be cool, also.

    I know Sven is likely busy with updating SER, creating new GSA applications that will save time and help users make money more effectively and efficiently, doing DNA data analysis and other crazy stuff, but he does still visit this board once in a while.

    Maybe this has some use? I know it's more data to collect and retain, but isn't that good?

    I know Submitted don't necessarily mean anything, but if they meant absolutely nothing, why then do we count them at all?
  • DeeeeeeeeDeeeeeeee the Americas
    edited February 2018
    Another idea (whether with any new Submitted or present Verified charting system) would be the ability for the SER Notes to auto-stick to dates within the chart for that project.

    Users could add dates of suspected SE updates, changes to proxies, project alterations, anything, really...the notes section is FREE TO BE CREATIVE WITH!

    Since GSA-SER already has a cool color-coded notes section (which I presently still underutilise!) , could the user's entries in the notes section be auto-dated when making  an entry, as well as a separator, and then get a little * in the chart that can be clicked on to display that date's notes on the chart as a popup or whatever, and the notes-on-chart able to be toggled on/off??

    Any use for this??
  • Deeeeeeee I am not an expert SER user and i never think about those function.
  • DeeeeeeeeDeeeeeeee the Americas
    edited February 2018
    OK, @humancoder, I'm def no expert either! :)

    Any seasoned GSA SER users in the house?

    I know most of you guys who are crazily experienced do check in, just not always every day.

    Maybe @Sven will find this somehow useful? Who knows...just trying my best to help out, as SER is already SICK, but why not make a suggestion here and there? :)

    SER over time has grown more and more comprehensive. I'm always excited to see there's an update! :)
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