When the "Delete all messages" setting is checked, does GSA SER download all
emails, then immediately delete from the server? Or does it download all
email messages, and once the entire verification process is complete,
delete from the email server?
Hopefully other members can test it and see if that is the case for them as well.
*Once again, I would simply like to know the exact timing at which you delete the emails from the server Sven, for example, after SER downloads all emails, do you immediately delete from the email server?
OR, does is delete each email one at a time after verification?
I really appreciate your time.
I am referring to a setting called, "Delete all messages (even if not related to a submission done)"
In reference to a setting called, "Delete all messages (even if not related to a submission done)":
I would simply like to know the exact timing at which you
delete all emails from the server, for example, after SER downloads
all emails, do you immediately delete ALL from the email server?
OR, does it delete ALL emails after verification is complete?
That doesn't make any sense to me.
What if between the time of step 1 download and step 4 delete, more unread emails come in? Then you will be issuing a delete all and delete other new, unread emails.
Once again, please note that I am referring to the "Delete all messages (even if not related to a submission done)" setting.