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Save html source into file (remove html=0 not working?)

default checked=0
engine type=Moja


remove html=0

link type=Comment-Contextual
write file="C:\Users\x\x\test.txt" "%some_data%"

Output in attachment.


  • SvenSven
    some data is missing a "back=..." ?
  • What if </html> is in the body (for example, article about html).

    Is there a better approach to get source?
  • SvenSven
    just use back=</html> and add it again when saving...
    write file="C:\Users\x\x\test.txt" "%some_data%</html>"
  • andrzejekandrzejek Polska
    edited November 2017
    1. back= is not fixing it...

    2. What if html looks like that...:

    My article is about <html> and </html> tags.

    3. What's better way to get source of page? Looks simple if you save them while debugging...

  • SvenSven
    ahh i see what problem you have now (just viewed attachment) need to add "allow html=1" here..."remove html" is not working.
  • @Sven ok, but let me ask 3rd time  <3  

    2. What if html looks like that...:

    My article is about <html> and </html> tags.
    important stuff

    My extracted data will be:

    My article is about <html> and </html>

    Is that correct?

  • SvenSven
    Just to make it clear for everyone reading up here, yes it will cut things up at the first appearing of the "back" variable in the source. However, there will be no second </html> on a proper html source.
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