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due not all web hosting allowed us to post use xmlrpc.php it would be nice if you add custom xmlrpc.php. E.G http://myweb.xx/whatever.php and site owner just RENAME xmlrpc.php become whatever.php


  • SvenSven
    I would need a sample URL to add support for this as I plan to add it for any platform but it should be in some kind of script language.
  • haryonoharyono in your heart
    note: it's ONLY for owner wordpress self hosting who can access to public_html directory. than you don't need to modified xmlrpc.php  just rename xmlrpc.php with whateveryouwant.php (it can be myxmlrpc.php, wowxmlrpc.php, blablablaxmlrpc.php). my request is: I can post to with custom format e.g:,username,pass
  • SvenSven
    I try to do the following...if you have xml or rpc in the php name, it is trying without url modification.
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