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how to export all articles ?

hi  how i  have  on  the  content generator  like over  100 articles
 how  to  export  all  on ones ?
because only export  one ,  and  if  I one  to  export  other  one say   all ways  if  I one over rith 


  • SvenSven
    I don't understand. You can export all articles at once. Maybe you want to have one big article with all article in it? If so choose "Text (UltraSpun,..." as export template.
  • abelvi59abelvi59 Estados Unidos
    I don't see that opcion .
    Of Tex ultraspum
    Becose. I scrape over 100 aticles and I like to sported all for my gsa.
    But I cant
  • SvenSven
    you see that in the combobox once you hit EXPORT.
  • abelvi59abelvi59 Estados Unidos
    I make ha video aND  PV TO YOU THANKS 
  • SvenSven
    you should not edit the project in SER that you export to.
  • abelvi59abelvi59 Estados Unidos
    I'm not edit I'm just put edit to see. The changes 
  • SvenSven
    then you might have more than one installation of SER? Thats the directory it is installed to ?
  • abelvi59abelvi59 Estados Unidos
    if  I delete   that  still  only exported 1  article of 10  for example 
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