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GSA Captcha Breaker vs Death by Captcha?

GSA Captcha Breaker vs Death by Captcha?
Which one should I prefer.
I had already used the GSA Captcha Breaker trail version but was really disappointed with a huge wrong entered captchas.


  • shaunshaun
    It totally depends on what you are building. Personally, I ditched DBC years back and moved over to 2captcha and havent looked back. If you are making web 2.0s then a human solved captcha is the way to go. If you are using blog comments of SER platforms then I just use GSA CB as its much cheaper.

    Theres one of my CB installs that I use for SER contextuals/noncontextuals, its been running about a month and as you can see it has solved $4327.14 worth of captchas at the rate 2Captcha charge.

  • AvinashAvinash Bengaluru
    Thank you Shaun. But for me I run all the backlinks except the document submission and video sites. So can you suggest which is better.

    As in the demo version itself, I saw a huge wrong captchas entered, around 70 - 80% are wrongly entered. Which even I checked myself and for the easy captchas also, they were entered all wrong.
  • shaunshaun
    Hmm sounds like something in your settings. One of the main reasons I see for this with people when using team viewer with them is that they set GSA CB retrys to 5 or something so if it gets it wrong once, its probably going to get it wrong 5 times meaning the stats show 5 wrong solves, personally I just give GSA CB one chance to solve a captcha and then it moves on.

    No idea if this is whats happening with you though.
  • AvinashAvinash Bengaluru
    Thank you Shaun for your quick replies. Really helpful! 

    But as you said, I was not doing that. My retries were only at "1".
  • AvinashAvinash Bengaluru
    I've just checked. The retry rate was set at "0" only.
     As of now, I'm just running only 2 projects and with cap limit set to 50 verified links per day. So even for such lesser submission load, I was always seeing the negative captchas @ 80%

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