GSA Captcha Breaker vs Death by Captcha?
GSA Captcha Breaker vs Death by Captcha?
Which one should I prefer.
I had already used the GSA Captcha Breaker trail version but was really disappointed with a huge wrong entered captchas.
Which one should I prefer.
I had already used the GSA Captcha Breaker trail version but was really disappointed with a huge wrong entered captchas.
Theres one of my CB installs that I use for SER contextuals/noncontextuals, its been running about a month and as you can see it has solved $4327.14 worth of captchas at the rate 2Captcha charge.
As in the demo version itself, I saw a huge wrong captchas entered, around 70 - 80% are wrongly entered. Which even I checked myself and for the easy captchas also, they were entered all wrong.
No idea if this is whats happening with you though.
But as you said, I was not doing that. My retries were only at "1".
As of now, I'm just running only 2 projects and with cap limit set to 50 verified links per day. So even for such lesser submission load, I was always seeing the negative captchas @ 80%