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For those building tiers...

edited February 2013 in Need Help
For you guys who are building tiered projects, what do you do to make sure you are only building links to tiers that still exist further up the chain?  I try to reverify once a day so I don't waste building too many links on tiers up a couple of levels that have already died but it seems an unending problem... I was just checking through some recently verified tier 3 links and none of them got back to my money site!

Even when you remove the dead link, if you have already built other links to it then they still have more links built to them but they will never filter up to you money page.

I am hopeful @Sven is going to come up with a solution, as I know it has been mentioned before and he has said he will put it on his to do list but what is everyone doing in the mean time to minimise the building of these pointless links that will never benefit you?


  • Forgive my confusion, you say "I was just checking through some recently verified tier 3 links and none of them got back to my money site!" what do you mean?

    Tier 3 points to tier 2, not your money site.

    I've used scrapebox to check live links in the past and it works really well. I would also not worry at all about dead T3 links, when you should have thousands upon thousands after a while. If you are doing more than 3 tiers, you should up your quality control.
  • I mean somewhere between tier 3 and my money site, the chain was broken. I.e. a tier. 2 or tier 1 link had been removed.

    Unfortunately, if a tier 1 link gets removed, GSA will still build to the tier 2 and tier 3 links in that set, but these are a waste of resources and effort as they never feed up to the money site as tier 1 has gone.
  • @brumnick that is on @sven to do list, this was discussed already i couldn't find the thread.
  • Now I get it. Thanks for explaining.
  • @rodol - thanks mate, yeah I know.  As mentioned in the OP I am looking for a method to minimise this wastage until Sven gets round to this feature.  :(|)

    Sorry @greenwillow.  My opening post wasn't as clear as it should have been - was late when I wrote it and reading it back now, it is as clear as mud!
  • Anyone else got any ideas?
  • Youd have to build, stop project, verify all, then be able to choose which ones are the best. Low obl, with page rank, with keyword rich anchor, do follow and idexed....thing is we are contantly building. Not wanting to stop while accomplishing this. I am doing it manually now. Not perfect...
  • ronron

    @Brumnick - I only bother once a week. I have come to the realization if SER does that, it just slows down even more to reverify verified links.

    I just think when you build massive amounts links you have imperfections in the process anyway. For example, when you reverify, due to proxy errors, 404, timeouts, line packet noise, timeout, etc, about 10% of links that are shown as dead are actually alive. So we end up wiping them off our Tier1. By the way, the same thing happens with scrapebox where it doesn't show a link that is there. It is the nature of technology.

    So you have inefficiecies going in both directions just due to technology. If SER does this every day, it will slow down posting. You end up trading one inefficiency for another.

    And that's why I only do it once a week and not worry about it.


  • edited February 2013
    Hi guys thanks for the reply. I do t think my op was clear. I am not talking about reverification, but rather dealing with tier 2 & 3 links after their tier 1 link has died/been deleted.

    As it stands now GSA will still build links to these tiers even though the link above them is dead so no juice will funnel back to the money site. Whilst Sven is working on a solution for this, do u have a good way of sorting it all out?
  • ronron
    edited February 2013

    @Brumnick - I get it. What you are talking about is links on T2 and T3 that point to links on T1 that no longer exist.

    I applaud you for thinking through the reverse of what everybody else worries about. I never even thought about that.

    I don't know...for me I guess it gets categorized in "inefficiencies of massive linkbuilding that you can't do much about". I guess it doesn't bother me.

    The system resources needed to go through tiers with tens or hundreds of thousands of links could be a system crasher, or seriously reduce posting as all those proxies would be used to verify.

    Only @sven could answer that one.

    If I had my wish, I would love for @sven to have an option to reverify T1 links daily so that we don't have to do that ourselves. After all, the problem starts there. A non-existent link in T1 creates tiers of unneeded links below it.

  • Yep, I think you are definitely right there @Ron

    It would definitely be a mammoth job to go through and check if everything is still linked in its chain, having an inbuilt reverify everyday would help keep it to a minimum though I guess. As I am a not a programmer, I rarely think about how it works! Its lucky for us @Sven knows his shit! :D

    Thanks very much for your input @ron, I have learnt a lot through reading your many forum posts. 

  • ronron
    @Brumnick - I really like your discipline in reverifying every day. I think that will be my new best practices tip that I will try to do every day on Tier1.
  • i do it like Brumnick too every day or two i stop everything and check through my tiers .. keeps away alot of unlinked links ,)
  • AlexRAlexR Cape Town
    Maybe use less tiers? Or create them as seperate projects then just import the verified url's in every week. Less wasted resources. 
  • KayKay 
    how can you keep away unliked links?
    i dont know how to do these things, thanks.
  • I delete dead links in my verified list every 2 days. I export the whole list first and check it all again in a week because some links show up dead the first time but actually aren't when you check them later. If links show up ok then I'll import them back into the project.
    I also do what GlobalGoogler says and run a project especially for my T1 links that I know I will build T2 links to. This way I specify exactly what I want (anchor text, low OBL's, contextual articles etc.).
    I then duplicate the project and set that up as a more varied, general link profile. I don't build T2 links to these.
    The 2 projects run in tandem building 2 types of links. 1 for tiers and one for general, varied i.e. penguin proof link profiles. I'm seeing excellent results like this and it's less work in the long run.
  • I would suggest that you should just start the whole "project" over again as a new project (after a certain amount of time). It is only natural that xx% of links on every tier are going to go away after a while. I think you would be wasting more resources than it is worth to try to keep figuring out what these are and work around them.

    If the project is based on "quality" tier one sites that will stick for a long time, then just import the tier one urls from the old project into the new project and just start over with the tier2 & tier3 from scratch.
  • AlexRAlexR Cape Town
    @DavidA2 - welcome back! Where have you been?
  • edited February 2013
    Thanks! Had some "family problems" and been working on a couple other projects (my own high PR blog network) and kind of let this get on the back burner for a while. I plan on being around more now. Looks like I have some catching up to do on all the changes!

    Sorry OP for the sidebar! I was pretty active at the beginning of the forum, but have been away for a couple months.
  • AlexRAlexR Cape Town
    Send me a PM to chat about an idea. 
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