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Request : Add the future in SER "Keyword must be present on"

VMartVMart Natural SEO
edited May 2017 in GSA Search Engine Ranker
In my keyword field I have added bunch of generic keywords
for me that is what I required.
I have added "currency" keyword before that I have added "!" symbol
"keyword must be present on" in this place I have ticked "At least 1"
Do URL filter will alone take only "currency". It other keyword it won't use.

My project keyword is seo company, For the filtering the URL purpose I have did like this "!*seo*company*"
Coz of this it is reflecting in my articles, According to my SEO strategy i'm not will to change options/TAGs
In "keyword must be present on" column I want to alter my keyword and keyword phrases, If you do this future it will very useful for me.


  • SvenSven
    your setup is a mess really.
    1. you should not use keywords with a negate format. You better use that only in options->filter
    2. you should use anchor texts as TAGs and not keywords
    3. you should not use generic keywords, but those belonging to your project
    4. when you use that ! in keywords, then a spin format makes no sense really, use the kw1,kw2,kw3 format.
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