Articles over 15MB (or with toooo big spin) duplicate themselves
in Bugs
as you see on screen that article is 25MB and copies it so memory and cpu go up (memory from 800mb to 1.6gb and lags like crazy. cpu from 5% to 70%)
they keep on duplicating over and over till it reaches sick sizes like 300mb and more
i have some 15 mb articles running smoothly with 0 problems but before i saw this bug on 15mb article as well
is it because of too long spintax repeated too often?
as you see on screen that article is 25MB and copies it so memory and cpu go up (memory from 800mb to 1.6gb and lags like crazy. cpu from 5% to 70%)
they keep on duplicating over and over till it reaches sick sizes like 300mb and more
i have some 15 mb articles running smoothly with 0 problems but before i saw this bug on 15mb article as well
is it because of too long spintax repeated too often?
send me the project backup and i have a closer look.