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Manually edit anchor text

Hi @Sven,

Is there a way to manually edit the Anchor text of the Verified URLs?

 I'm asking this because I have some URLs that I imported to a project as verified URLs. Unfortunately SER is not able to verify some of them thus can't recognize the anchor texts. I would like to manually bulk add the anchor text to these URLs if that's possible somehow.



  • SvenSven
    anchor texts get extracted when the url is found. So you can import the urls instead to the project data and on a verification, it should be able to see the anchor text.
  • I import the URLs but because ser can't verify the URLs it can't extract the anchor text. These are URLs from blackplanet and evernote. Blackplanet uses a redirect which I guess makes really hard for SER to verify the links but I have no idea why evernote URLs can't be verified.
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