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%meta_desc% how this function working????

1. Will it take my root(domain) meta description eg:
2. In SER url field I have given only my inner pages, If it is yes which meta description it will take. eg: www.mydomain/inner_page.html
3. For T2,T3 from which site it will take meta description 


  • SvenSven
    This macro uses the meta description of the site you want to submit.
  • VMartVMart Natural SEO
    edited February 2017
    The think which I asked, In tier 1 my site will be there, it will take that meta description, in tier 2/tier 3 my site won't be there, If it is which meta tag it will take.

    For my website inner page which meta description it will take.

    @Sven sorry you have answered commonly but you didn't answer for my question :(
  • SvenSven
    SER creates a new verified url, then the %meta_desc% macro it would have used during submission, is the one of the verified URL.
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