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Help with a high pr travel website engine?

Need help with this engine. I have  a travel site and have found a very powerful authortive travel site with idexable profile pages, perfect for parasite pages to rank in the search results (I actually got one of my profile pages to show up on page 1 for one of my keywords!)

I was wondering if anyone could help me create an engine for this site. Theres not captcha involed only email verfication

Sign up page is

form id ="new_user"
password id = "user_password"
password confirmation= "user_password_confirmation"

Once you have sgined up you get an email with this link

Then login page (same form again almost)
form id = "new_user"
password id = "user_password"

then to the edit profile

id ="user_about_me"

add a plain url for link and upto 2000 character text.

Help would be super for this. thank you. (the site has a forum with dofollow links however things would quickly get fixed if started posting on that)

Okay best I can come up with is

[setup] enabled=1 default checked=0 engine type=Social Network description=Creates a profile link. dofollow=0 anchor text=1 creates own page=1 uses pages=0 skip url content on=0 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;the variables we have to define for this engine (if not already defined before) ;name, keyword, url, e-mail are already defined by default [URL] type=url [Login] type=login must be filled=1 static=1 [Password] type=password must be filled=1 hint=A password used for websites that need an account. Use numbers and letters only. static=1 [rnd_email] type=extract default=%email% static=1 [About_Yourself] type=memo allow html=0 html to bbs=0 allow return=1 must be filled=1 hint=Please fill this with some information about yourself. Use the spin syntax heavily here. auto modify=1 default=%file-about_yourself.dat% custom mode=1 [get_verify_url] type=extract find link=View your profile find url=*/auth/confirmation?confirmation_token=* ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;the form variables and how to fill them [REGISTER_STEP1] modify url=./auth/sign_up form id=new_user form url=*/auth/sign_up submit success=*/logout.php?*|>Log out< submit failed=Can't create account submit success skip verify=*/logout.php?*|>Log out< verify submission=0 verify on unknown status=1 set unknown variable=%leave% variable must be used=password new_name=%login% new_email_addr=%rnd_email% user_password=%password% user_password_confirmation=%password% [LOGIN_STEP1] modify url=./auth/sign_in form id=new_user submit success=*/profile submit failed= Invalid Email Address or password. verify on unknown status=1 variable must be used=password set unknown variable=%leave% email_addr=%rnd_email% passwd=%password% stay_logged_in=1 [STEP1] link type=Profile-Contextual modify url= just download=1 submit success=Your profile was updated successfully. verify submission=1 verify by=url verify url=%get_verify_url% verify interval=1 verify timeout=1 first verify=0 verify on unknown status=1 [STEP2] page must have=Edit Profile Settings form name= form url= variable must be used=url set unknown variable=%leave% user_about_me=%about_yourself%<br><br>but obv this is not how you write an engine at all :/<br>


  • Okay I think I have got  a little closer but still no cigar with this.

    default checked=0

    engine type=Forum
    description=Registers on this forum and leaves a URL on your profile page.
    creates own page=1
    uses pages=0

    ;options to search for thies sites....

    add keyword to search=2

    ;if enabled we will extract keywords from meta-keywords and later try to find new targets
    extract keywords=0

    posted domain check=1

    ;the variables we have to define for this engine (if not already defined before)
    ;name, keyword, url, e-mail are already defined by default

    [Your E-Mail]


    must be filled=1
    hint=A password used to log into the forum. Use
    min length=8

    allow html=0
    allow return=1
    must be filled=0
    hint=Please fill this with some information about yourself. Use the spin syntax heavily here.
    custom mode=1
    auto modify=1
    max length=2000
    auto add anchor url=2


    page must have1=!Sign Up
    page must have3=! Password must be at least 8 characters in length

    find link=Sign up
    find url=*/auth/sign_up*

    form id=new_user

    submit success= A message with a confirmation link has been sent to your email address. Please open the link to activate your account.
    submit failed=Password is too short (minimum is 8 characters)
    submit failed retry=Email Address has already been taken|Password confirmation doesn't match Password

    ;should always verify email since we need to post blog which requires verification on email

    verify submission=1
    verify by=email
    verify interval=30
    verify timeout=30
    first verify=5
    verify url=*
    verify on unknown status=1

    set unknown variable=%leave%

    user[email]=%your e-mail%

    find link=Login
    alternative url=

    form url=*login.php?do=login
    form id=new_user

    submit success= Signed in successfully.

    user[email]=%your e-mail%

    link type=Profile-Anchor text
    multiple posts per account=0

    find url=
    just download=1

    form class=edit_user

    set unknown variable=%leave%
    variable must be used=url


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