My biggest mistake online is using Black hat SEO ( 4 year journey explained )
I will probably receive a ton of hate from most people here.
I will probably receive I have done everything wrong that I could have done.
And I will try to do my best to explain why all those who will leave such comments are wrong, and hopefully change their mind, and explain them that the best way, cheaper way, and easier way is White Hat SEO.
First of all.
I have spent well over couple of thousand euro's on Black Hat SEO.
To sum a decent amount up ( i will probably miss a few things ) :
GSA SER 99 $
GSA CB 240 $
GSA PI 57 $
GSA Indexer 20 $
Linkprocessor 25 $ (month)
Other Indexer 20 $ (month)
Money Robot 500 $
TurboWeb 2.0 120 $
(SEO VPS with tools Pre-installed)
200 $
Senuke XCR 169 $
Proxies 25 $ (per month)
2captcha 30 - 40 $ (per month)
Dedicated Server 68 $ (per month)
Windows 2012r2 25 $ (per month)
Spinrewriter 98 $ (per year)
Kontent Machine 289 $ Lifetime
BlasterSuite 280 $ Lifetime
Scrapebox 97 $
Scrapebox EDfinder 20 $
Scrapebox Article 20 $
Zennoposter 120 $ (the only tool that I think is still useful even if you turn back on BHat SEO)
total cost aprox :
$ 2,567 (and i haven't even listed all the tools that i have tried for several month, or the different proxy services used)
On avarage monthly spending (captcha services, proxies, servers, vps's, indexers)
$ 198 per month
Other relevant tools
Accuranker 44 $
Backlinksmonitor 24 $
per month 68 $
PBN's ? Yes have done those too
Currently hold 98 domains
882 $ (per year)
Hosting 250 $ (per month)
As you can see I have built myself a huge list of Black hat SEO tools and used many services. And as i'm writing this there are still things coming up like phone verification services, social media tools and services and many more.
Was the money worth the results?
One word... NO
Everyone who will tell you otherwise is not even considering the alternative.
The alternative is White Hat SEO and how many of you can tell me that they have went through that path?
The problem is most of the people who use black hat seo don't have anything White Hat worthy.
Does that make sense?
Maybe it does once you start something up that's serious, something you care about and want to stay away from black hat as much as possible.
What is the Alternative?
The money spend on black hat SEO could have gotten me 100x greater results if I went White Hat.
I can outsource PR agencies for 120$ a month and get listed in google news, yahoo news, and not to forget all the thousands websites who fetch the feeds and publish these on their sites based for more local audience.
I can get a list of editors that are relevant to my niche and pitch them through the PR agency to get featured on their site.
I could have outsourced blog writers
I could have outreached guest posts to writers who would get me backlinks not because they are backlinks but because they write a quality piece of news that is share-worthy.
I could have bought social media posts for more exposure from big networks.
I could have bought an article that gets published on buzzfeed, huffingtonpost, mashable, blogher & tons more high authority sites.
If I would sum up the price of the above it would probably be 1/4th of what I have spend on my 4 year journey, and I have came to the conclusion that Black Hat SEO is just not worth it.
There are so many ways that I could explain how White Hat SEO is actually more fun, more engaging with your audience, more engaging with fellow online marketers and webmasters.
Rather than buying proxies, checking status of proxies, buying captcha credits from chinese type monsters.
Setting up kontent machine, Setting up GSA SER, Setting up MR, Setting up Turboweb.
Where is the fun in that ?
In the meantime you could have easily done some research and found the top bloggers and magazines with the most trending social signals and wrote them an email if you they were interested in a quality guest post.
Add a 20-40$ to some top writer to write it for you and you would get something in return that none of the Black Hat Tools could have given you even if you would run them for 4 years.
Another problem with black hat seo is is that you think you are doing it wrong. So you go online, read more about it, and load yourself with tons more crap like PR emulator to build more "quality links" instead of quantity.
No tool can build you something of quality, it's all shit links, and to top it all of is that you placed an unwanted link. That "IF" the owner of the site is s serious he will remove eventually, or if he doesn't give a crap about his site it will stay... along with 200.000 other links from different people.
All I am trying to say is here that if you would weigh the money, the time and mostly the fun in online marketing.
Black Hat SEO is a black hole sucking in all your money, all your time and there is no fun in it at all.
White Hat SEO is cheap, the time you spend on it is fun and engaging with your fellow marketers in the same niche is just how it supposed to be.
(unless you're a very anti-social person who doesn't like human contact)
All I am trying to explain here is that Black Hat SEO is not the way to go.
You spend countless of hours on it, you spend money on it like you're trying to put a fire off with gasoline, and you get a bitchslap from google as a reward for all the trouble.
I think i have finally woken up.
Start building something you care about...
P.S. In case you didnt got the message, or your just that retarded to not follow any advice from someone who has tried it all for the last 4 years.
Or if you don't mind all the work in managing tools, setting up new projects that gets you shit results.
Message me and I will sell you all my tools for the biggest bargain you have ever found on the internet.
**But i really hope you do not**
I will probably receive I have done everything wrong that I could have done.
And I will try to do my best to explain why all those who will leave such comments are wrong, and hopefully change their mind, and explain them that the best way, cheaper way, and easier way is White Hat SEO.
First of all.
I have spent well over couple of thousand euro's on Black Hat SEO.
To sum a decent amount up ( i will probably miss a few things ) :
GSA SER 99 $
GSA CB 240 $
GSA PI 57 $
GSA Indexer 20 $
Linkprocessor 25 $ (month)
Other Indexer 20 $ (month)
Money Robot 500 $
TurboWeb 2.0 120 $
(SEO VPS with tools Pre-installed)
200 $
Senuke XCR 169 $
Proxies 25 $ (per month)
2captcha 30 - 40 $ (per month)
Dedicated Server 68 $ (per month)
Windows 2012r2 25 $ (per month)
Spinrewriter 98 $ (per year)
Kontent Machine 289 $ Lifetime
BlasterSuite 280 $ Lifetime
Scrapebox 97 $
Scrapebox EDfinder 20 $
Scrapebox Article 20 $
Zennoposter 120 $ (the only tool that I think is still useful even if you turn back on BHat SEO)
total cost aprox :
$ 2,567 (and i haven't even listed all the tools that i have tried for several month, or the different proxy services used)
On avarage monthly spending (captcha services, proxies, servers, vps's, indexers)
$ 198 per month
Other relevant tools
Accuranker 44 $
Backlinksmonitor 24 $
per month 68 $
PBN's ? Yes have done those too
Currently hold 98 domains
882 $ (per year)
Hosting 250 $ (per month)
As you can see I have built myself a huge list of Black hat SEO tools and used many services. And as i'm writing this there are still things coming up like phone verification services, social media tools and services and many more.
Was the money worth the results?
One word... NO
Everyone who will tell you otherwise is not even considering the alternative.
The alternative is White Hat SEO and how many of you can tell me that they have went through that path?
The problem is most of the people who use black hat seo don't have anything White Hat worthy.
Does that make sense?
Maybe it does once you start something up that's serious, something you care about and want to stay away from black hat as much as possible.
What is the Alternative?
The money spend on black hat SEO could have gotten me 100x greater results if I went White Hat.
I can outsource PR agencies for 120$ a month and get listed in google news, yahoo news, and not to forget all the thousands websites who fetch the feeds and publish these on their sites based for more local audience.
I can get a list of editors that are relevant to my niche and pitch them through the PR agency to get featured on their site.
I could have outsourced blog writers
I could have outreached guest posts to writers who would get me backlinks not because they are backlinks but because they write a quality piece of news that is share-worthy.
I could have bought social media posts for more exposure from big networks.
I could have bought an article that gets published on buzzfeed, huffingtonpost, mashable, blogher & tons more high authority sites.
If I would sum up the price of the above it would probably be 1/4th of what I have spend on my 4 year journey, and I have came to the conclusion that Black Hat SEO is just not worth it.
There are so many ways that I could explain how White Hat SEO is actually more fun, more engaging with your audience, more engaging with fellow online marketers and webmasters.
Rather than buying proxies, checking status of proxies, buying captcha credits from chinese type monsters.
Setting up kontent machine, Setting up GSA SER, Setting up MR, Setting up Turboweb.
Where is the fun in that ?
In the meantime you could have easily done some research and found the top bloggers and magazines with the most trending social signals and wrote them an email if you they were interested in a quality guest post.
Add a 20-40$ to some top writer to write it for you and you would get something in return that none of the Black Hat Tools could have given you even if you would run them for 4 years.
Another problem with black hat seo is is that you think you are doing it wrong. So you go online, read more about it, and load yourself with tons more crap like PR emulator to build more "quality links" instead of quantity.
No tool can build you something of quality, it's all shit links, and to top it all of is that you placed an unwanted link. That "IF" the owner of the site is s serious he will remove eventually, or if he doesn't give a crap about his site it will stay... along with 200.000 other links from different people.
All I am trying to say is here that if you would weigh the money, the time and mostly the fun in online marketing.
Black Hat SEO is a black hole sucking in all your money, all your time and there is no fun in it at all.
White Hat SEO is cheap, the time you spend on it is fun and engaging with your fellow marketers in the same niche is just how it supposed to be.
(unless you're a very anti-social person who doesn't like human contact)
All I am trying to explain here is that Black Hat SEO is not the way to go.
You spend countless of hours on it, you spend money on it like you're trying to put a fire off with gasoline, and you get a bitchslap from google as a reward for all the trouble.
I think i have finally woken up.
Start building something you care about...
P.S. In case you didnt got the message, or your just that retarded to not follow any advice from someone who has tried it all for the last 4 years.
Or if you don't mind all the work in managing tools, setting up new projects that gets you shit results.
Message me and I will sell you all my tools for the biggest bargain you have ever found on the internet.
**But i really hope you do not**
The problem is that nothing lasts if you go black hat.
Another problem is that 80% is promoted as "THE BEST TOOL" for Black Hat Seo.
meanwhile there are people putting little bit of time and effort on white hat methods like pr marketing, outreach and social buzz and get tons more + it lasts.. its within the books of google's play rules.
This is what has frustrated me, that I just keep on investing and investing and as you said yourself scaling if something works till that slap comes.
Why on earth would you want to keep up with that ?
I don't see the fun in it at all.
If you would research something of great value, that you'd love to do even if it gets you 10 cents from the start. And than spend all the black hat budget you have on white hat marketing and PR. sit on it, let it grow. You could achieve something that will generate income for many years.
The best thing about white hat is that the longer you keep it alive the more you grow. Your Authority will at some point (maybe in 4 - 5 years) skyrocket, especially if you would calculate all the money you waste on a monthly basis. If you would spend your money wisely each month as much as you would spend on proxies, capthchas and other black hat related garbage - and instead use it for PR, Marketing, Outreach, Social media...
What kind of Moz you would had in 4 years? DA / PA / TF / CF ?
4-5 years of 4 PR's per month
Blogger outreach, Guest posting on niche relevant sites.
Engaging in social groups, Finding buzz around your niche and actively responding to it everyday.
I just don't want to know what I could have had today if my 4 years looked were spend in that way.
Instead of wasting money on horse shit, with horse shit results.
The result - I run it once a week - it runs over night - I then spend half a day answering questions about my niche - my sales have increased and I now spend a lot less time on SEO. Although the rebel in me - still loves a BH seo challenge
Both white and black hat tactics can get results, but their application shouldn't be the same. In the last 5 years, I've bought about 20 licenses of SER and spent probably 100x what you've referred to. Your results don't match my results even in the slightest.
Just because you weren't able to find success doesn't mean the tools or tactics are to blame.
It seems strange to limit yourself to one approach or the other though if trying to rank, especially seeing as you can make your white hat 100 times more effective if you run a bit darker in the background, which is in fact what most of the big brand 'white hat' sites do anyway.
My personal experience has been that regardless of the strategy you choose, google will almost never have the same site ranking in the top 3 for any commercially attractive keyword for too long anyway, almost like they hit the shuffle button from time to time. Unless of course you're a big brand site, then the rules will obviously be different.
You're right in one way though, it's never a bad idea to diversify away from relying on google rankings as much as possible.
They're not literally meaning "clicking the link." What they're talking about is degrees of separation. So, let's say was one of their "trusted seed sites" and that site links to and links to and links to The degrees of separation looks like this: > > >
This means that NASA is highly "trusted", Joe's Space Blog is trusted, but not as much as NASA, and Doon's Space Blog is trusted, but not as much as Joe's or NASA. There are 4 degrees of separation between Doon's Space Blog and
Each of those "hops" is what Majestic refers to as a "click" in your screenshot. So, literally clicking will not increase your trustflow (Majestic isn't omnipresent, they have no way to track all of the literal clicks every website on the internet receives).
What Trustflow does is this: it has a core set of trusted sites. The more hops it takes to get to a site from one of those "seed sites" the less trusted it is. Trusted sites don't link to spammy blogs, which means that your average spammy blog will have a much higher degree of separation from the trusted site.
Hopefully that makes sense.
Unfortunately most people never fully master even one of the many tools they buy, some people end up not even using all the tools they buy, because they find it "too hard", "too complex", "too difficult", "takes too much time", and then simply move on and buy yet another magic tool that improve rank with push of a button.
If only you spend time and FULLY master 1 of the tools you buy, you will save allot of money and see better results.
I don't agree with you at all. There are tons of BHters include me which having huge sucess. i do youtube and super spammy niches only with GSA SER and RankerX and few outsources works @Doon
you should understand its come and@Doon
if you don't trust me just type some niches and check their backlinking will see how many users sucess with bh@Doon
theres nothing called bh or wh@Doon
you have spent you have purchased that doesnt mean you have knowdlge@Doon
lol why you calling @doon for every fking work you type. bt i like it lol
thats sad. but i like blackhat way and i am too boring with white hat
thats your way..
anyway whats white hat what it looks like