Very Low Captcha Success Rate
in Need Help
Hi There, I've been running GSA SER overnight, Only check all article type, buying list from 1linklist, clean up by remove dupes on sitelist, using 20 private proxies.
I got around 13k Captcha submitted, but number of wrong captcha around 8,5k! After I manually check several sites, it's the google captcha,
Is it normal?
Does it acceptable?
This stuff really can't get out of my head.
Shoot me a pm and I'll get you in the beta for free.
Normally you should NOT be seeing this many captcha hits - we generally push CB only lists. A few days back we had a mixup and pushed a list built with the OCR though.
This is NOT normal, and WONT happen again - so either way, your success rate should go back up. (Actually it probably has by now, since the mixed list got pushed on the 18th)