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Getting 'text captcha found and skipped (qa_answer), I've tried Antigate, Death By Captcha & GSA CB

I can't figure out who I keep getting this error over and over? I've used GSA CB, Antigate and death by captcha. When I check the URL it is a normal image captcha (2 words in an image).

Anyone know how to solve this? I'm new to GSA so perhaps I screwed up a setting somewhere?


  • SvenSven
    a text captcha is not getting solved with image captcha services. You either have to enter a account/api key in settings for text captcha types or enable the option in projects to "ASK USER" for that.
  • Strange when I load the URL though it looks like a normal image captcha like all the others?
  • SvenSven
    give me the URL please.
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