I miss about multithreaded email checking. Now mail checking lasts too long
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Are you using proxies to download emails? If your using public ones its going to be slow (Either public proxies and/or public emails.)
A catchall like Seospartans or your own domain is much faster. I'm not sure if email-downloading is multithreaded or not, but I've never noticed it take more than 30 seconds or so for me.
Set Active VE, Seospartans, no proxies, can't download few hours Cpu - 5%, Network less than 1%. By the way wrote a letters to your support@.... few days ago, and didn't receive any answer yet, from them too
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Is it possible you have an AV or firewall on your server that is blocking the email port? (110 and 25 I think)
no. mail checking goes but it seems to me slow enough. Also I can't solve periodical message like "[-] POP3 RETR(7732) failed - -ERR Message 7732 expunged."
using many threads for email checking is not a good idea. You can use one connection only per ip/proxy to one email provider, else you get banned soon.
May be but catchall services made for mail service. Why not? I'm trying to empty my catchall boxes from Seospartans for a second of the third day running on end, but each of them are still filled ~ 200 MB and I do not see progress and do not understand what goes on inside the application. It looks like go round in a circle.
Seospartans strongly recommended to set ONLY "Delete message when verification link was found" and "Time to wait between two logins 5 seconds", on E-Mail verification page. So I did as they said... (Delete message if older than ... (OFF) - If you're using an email provider who does this automatically in their backend (such as ourselves) , you should leave this off.) In their dashboard I set up 3 days.
A catchall like Seospartans or your own domain is much faster. I'm not sure if email-downloading is multithreaded or not, but I've never noticed it take more than 30 seconds or so for me.