Idea for PR emulator
Hi guys, I have built a bot that can create Moz api's on auto-pilot with disposable emails.
I was wondering if it is a good idea to input your own API keys inside PR emulator (sort of what scrapebox already does in the page authority add-on)
To get Moz metrics.
So this message basically goes out to @sven
also if anyone interested in Moz API's PM me I can get you a fair deal for it, only thing that costs me is 2 recpatcha2 credits on 2captcha and a bunch of proxies (currently tested can create 3 api's with 1 proxy and 3 different disposable emails) so if I let it run all night on couple threads...
I can get myself a nice bulk to sell..
Finally can give something back to the community... Cheap MOZ api's lol..
P.S. the Moz API's can do 25.000 call's per month for free with a 10 second break in between..
So if you load up like 50 of them... you basically can do 1.25Million calls
I was wondering if it is a good idea to input your own API keys inside PR emulator (sort of what scrapebox already does in the page authority add-on)
To get Moz metrics.
So this message basically goes out to @sven
also if anyone interested in Moz API's PM me I can get you a fair deal for it, only thing that costs me is 2 recpatcha2 credits on 2captcha and a bunch of proxies (currently tested can create 3 api's with 1 proxy and 3 different disposable emails) so if I let it run all night on couple threads...
I can get myself a nice bulk to sell..
Finally can give something back to the community... Cheap MOZ api's lol..
P.S. the Moz API's can do 25.000 call's per month for free with a 10 second break in between..
So if you load up like 50 of them... you basically can do 1.25Million calls
oke so another "off-topic" thing.. I posted a poll the other day on BHW.
found a team who would build it together with me but I haven't heard from them since the post xD
So @sven check out this
Maybe a great new addition to your GSA collection?
Oke so I would like to share another great idea with you, maybe a tool for you to develop and sell (easy to make, i think..)
So here's the idea...
It's so simple im already building it for myself in zennoposter (just for myself since you can't compile something to sell, but if you brought this up i would 100% use it)
So the tool is to boost your TF metric in Majestic.
Majestic's TF has a little explanation
so basically what you can do is export the entire url's from majestic in excel / csv or whatever.
You will get a list of "url's" where the backlink is in, you will receive even the anchor text used, and the "target url"
So basically how you could manipulate your TF ranking is by building a bot / tool
That will go to "url" to click on "target url" and maybe let it browse couple 2-3 random sites for x amount of minutes.
I am connecting in zennoposter Hide My Ass VPN to do this, but im sure you can do it with proxies too.
+ you already have these reports from GSA SER...
You can easily build a tool, that get's verified url's, find the target url on it, and click on it, maybe browse a bit on the site etc..
And go to the next url...
+ you can build threads on it etc.. etc.. I think if you put your power to it you could build 100x better tool that i would like to use, easy to maintain.. (if there even is something to maintain about this).. and that i would want to have.. and im sure if more people knew about how TF metrics work they would want it too.
Basically if you build this... it would bring soo much more balance to TF / CF
Usually you can see when a site is spammed, since the TF = 0 and the CF is 20+
If you can get this tool up, people would get super duper high metrics on both metrics TF / CF...
What you think @sven ?
but might as well ask you..
So in zennoposter you can input referer url. To make it look like it came from that site.
Is this the same as a "real click" from that site?
for example I can make the script to go to site to click on anchor text to my moneysite.
But would it count the same is I instantly go to my moneysite and put as referer?
The headers in the http header should match 100%, javascript has to be simulated exactly and so on. It's not that easy.
Also Majestic is not using some javascript on the pages to even see that you browse the sites. Google does that by various tecnics like scripts/fonts/favicons on full patches to
Majestic simply uses robots to spider the web and collect data of URLs and anchors. By the way, it does that way better and more frequently than google. I monitored this once one a new domain and the first bot that came in was Majestic. It was a domain that was nowhere advertised or linked.
Beside, i also dont see any benefit on boosting the TF. In the end of the day we dont need a "good" metric, but ranking on google.
I just found actually a tool that does just that!! and the message of Sven got me worried if I should stop it this instance!!
I checked their site and they say on their site they are using 100% "firefox/chrome/iexplorer or edge" to simulate these actions, but im still worried if I might fuck up, since i use it on a clients site... I did organic searches + backlinks as I reqeusted here and loaded up all majestic links in it.
the tool is called "pandabot" Should i stop it right now? will i get caught?
So no proxies though, but still... Google is not stupid, and I am getting a bit worried now...
cool story bro... =D>
i don't know how deep they analyze the data and if they really detect and fake user agents and so on but if they want to, they can and easily ban you.
I would be very careful using such tools.