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Why does my SER submitted list go from 190 back to 160?

I started a list cleaning project yesterday in SER. Using Scrapebox to pull links using footprints, then PI monitors the Scrapebox folder and identifies, PI saves recognized platforms in my identified site list, SER pulls the identified site list for posting in my projects.

I wake up this morning to check the list cleaning project and there are no submitted URLS, and no more targets to post to error message.

I checked my identified list that PI was sending to SER and there is MB's of links in it. All links are on platforms I specifically chose for my project to post to. Last night when I went to bed it had almost 200 URLS submitted, but zero this morning?

When I started the project up again after clearing the error, it went up to 190 submitted URLS in 5 minutes. I come back an hour later to check and there are only 160 submitted URLS.

Very confused as to why it is doing this.

Any ideas would be helpful. Thank you.


  • 1linklist1linklist FREE TRIAL Linklists - VPM of 150+ -
    Urls get removed from "Submitted" when they go through verification. They "Dissappear" when no link is verified.

    The big counter at the bottom of SER will give you a "Real" count.
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