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edited February 2013 in Need Help
how do I set up a file with rotating content and file with rotating titles,for posting articles with gsa?Is there a video, ??? can you walk me through it.


  • have you checked out the macro guide yet?  it is under the help button. That should get you in the right direction.

    this part could be useful:
    This macro is using a random file from the folder and using that as content.
    Also note that the program is trying to match the same file name or file number when
    locating a file in a different folder. E.g. if %spinfolder-c:\my_articles\% is using file
    “article6.txt” than it tries to use “summary6.txt” (or anything with the number 6 in file
    name) from the macro %spinfolder-c:\my_article_summaries\%.
    Example: %spinfolder-c:\my_articles\%
    Output: This is the content of article 6 which I have put in a folder....
  • Can I copy and paste my new orignal content into my exsiting projects
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