Small problems and some doubt
Hello @Sven long unpublished here, just two details in case you are convinced.
Solve Captchas is currently not available to add you to GSA CB
When the campaigns are running, the By mask sheduler does not work.
And I have a final doubt. When I in CB unmarked for example uncheck "recpacha" · and then I give the option of "not treating captchas not marked as not present", CB ignores them but if it does the other services added to CB or ignores them at all ?
Lastly, when I set up a campaign and tell it to ask the 2 captcha service, do you only query the second, or the second, and the ones below?
Well, that's it, Merry Christmas, if we do not talk sooner, hahahaha
Might get added soon
>When the campaigns are running, the By mask sheduler does not work.
please give exact steps to reproduce it
if you set it to treat unchecked captcha types as not being present, then it will not detect it and also not send it to a service in case you explicitly marked that type to be solved by it. If you however allow all unknown captcha being sent thtere, this will work as well. Though I really do not recommand anyone using that "treat as not being present" option. It lowers success rate and is just there for very special needs.
>2nd service
it will solve by the 2nd service only. However Im aware that ppl want to solve by 3rd or whatsoever. I will make this optional.
When you choose that from the START menu, it opens a box where you can enter a "mask" which should match project names. A mask is something like *word* which will e.g. match all project names having "word" in the name.
If you e.g. want to start all TIER2 projects, and assuming you named them as "project - TIER2", then you can e.g. use the mask "*TIER2*" in this box, hit enter.
You should see all the projects with TIER2 being highlichted in the project listing and a new dialog shows up where you can also hit START.