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Find multiple engines on same target


Does SER finds multiple engines on the same target URL? or is there some kind of priority which engine is will checked, matches and continue with the next url.

I see in GSA Platform Identifier there is an optional option to check multiple engines on the same url/target.



  • SvenSven
    SER is taking one engine after the other until one of the detected engines delivered a successful submit.

    The priority is taken by the amount of identify-data is matching.
  • razzaguhlrazzaguhl Deutschland
    Ok. I asking because i see a lot of verified target with Indexer-engine. But expect a lot of different engines. 

    So, Is it possible that the Indexer engine "steals" target urls from other engines?

  • SvenSven
    naw not really.
  • razzaguhlrazzaguhl Deutschland
    Thank you Sven.
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