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Help With Verifications

edited February 2013 in Need Help
Ok I have searched and I am sorry if this is asked.  But after the link is submitted, how can I make it go over to verified section faster. I have ratios of 20k submitted and 2k verified.  I know there must be a way to make it faster.  Thanks in advance


  • BrandonBrandon Reputation Management Pro
    You can set the time in project Options.  It checks every 1440 minutes (1 day) by default.  After about 5 days it's removed from the submitted column if not found.

    You can right click on the project in the project window and force it to verify.
  • so not having it checked it checks once a day at default ?
  • ronron

    Just right click on the projects where you want to find more verifieds, and change the status to Active (Verify Only). It will race through all those submitteds and find the verifieds.

    After a while it will finish, and you will need to change the status back to active.

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