Using the same accounts that GSA Ranker makes
I am a GSA Ranker noob. I'm looking to create social bookmarking Tier 2 links to help boost my 20 to 30 Web 2.0 Tier 1 links.
What I want to do is have about 100 verfied high PR social bookmarking sites that I use to post about 20 to 25 links to each tier 1 coming from separate accounts.
I want to warm up these accounts with other links and posts before I have them post links to my Tier 1's. I also want to continue posting random niche links to these Tier 2 social bookmarking accounts so they don't get deleted in the future.
Thus I can use them again in the future to randomly use 20 to 25 of the 100 social bookmarking accounts to post again to my 20 to 30 web 2.0 tier 1 links for future niche blog articles I create for my money site.
So to sum this up, my main questions are:
How do I get GSA Ranker to create accounts and then use the same said accounts to post from and not create totally new ones?
How do I get GSA Ranker to randomly choose 20-25 of these 100 accounts to randomly post too (So my Tier 1 web 2.0's aren't always getting links from the same accounts)?
I hope this makes sense...
I am creating a Branded blog that I make self improvement type articles in the fitness, diet, attraction, seduction, wealth building, blogging tips, online marketing niches along with making comedy videos and one day starting a podcast to help earn fuck you money and build a following for my stand up comedy career.
So my thinking is to try and build high quality Tier 1 links and try to boost them with high quality that tier 2 links that are always updated and will stick...
So I need to know how to use GSA Ranker to consistently post to the same accounts to achieve this...
Any advice is greatly appreciated and I am willing to work with anyone in the future to make some mula online and dominate some niches...
P.S. I am using FCS Networker to create my Tier 1 links so those are already accounted for. (I would use them for my tier 2 links as well however they limit you on the amount of submission so this forces me to use GSA ranker for my Tier 2's.
You'll then of course need to feed the same url in multiple times to the same project/projects.