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HELP! Email Verifier w/Hide My IP = "Not Valid:No Valid Mail Server Found" & "Unsure:Cannot Connect"

Am new, hoping someone can help.

I'm using Email Verifier w/Hide My IP

Uploaded an email list from a very reputable, major commercial source and am getting back mostly "Not Valid:No Valid Mail Server Found" and "Unsure:Cannot Connect"

What am I doing wrong? Can anyone help?


  • 1linklist1linklist FREE TRIAL Linklists - VPM of 150+ -
    Try to test the connection without Hide My Ip. They may be blocking the ports used by email.
  • Hi,
    I have the same proplem with this issue. I attached in this 

    pls help me

  • SvenSven
    thats all from ? and you think that some of them are valid right?
  • yes, most of them are valid. And all email are gmail. I also tested with some another email like yahoo, hotmail but get the same result

  • SvenSven
    please paste the whole log of one of these entries.
  • sorry , how can I get the whole log ?
  • SvenSven
    double click on that entry.
  • edited July 2019
    here it is


    > bind socked successful on
    > Connecting to
    < 220 ESMTP h15si5049912pgi.570 - gsmtp
    > EHLO
    < 250 SMTPUTF8
    > MAIL FROM:<>
    < 250 2.1.0 OK h15si5049912pgi.570 - gsmtp
    > RCPT TO:<>
    < 250 2.1.5 OK h15si5049912pgi.570 - gsmtp
    > Sending DATA
    < 550 5.7.1 and review RFC 5322 specifications for more information. h15si5049912pgi.570 - gsmtp
    > RSET
    < Connection reset by peer


    > bind socked successful on
    > Connecting to
    < 220 ESMTP t8si31913168jan.0 - gsmtp
    > EHLO
    < 250 SMTPUTF8
    > MAIL FROM:<>
    < 250 2.1.0 OK t8si31913168jan.0 - gsmtp
    > RCPT TO:<>
    < 250 2.1.5 OK t8si31913168jan.0 - gsmtp
    > Sending DATA
    < 550 5.7.1 and review RFC 5322 specifications for more information. t8si31913168jan.0 - gsmtp
    > RSET
    < Connection reset by peer

  • SvenSven
    the question here is, why are you fully simulating gmail? Thats not the default setting.
  • I tried with default setting and it is still get the same error. Not valid message too.

  • here is the image with default setting
  • and here is the logs

    No server log present.

    Possible one of the following reasons: 
     - cache was used
     - no smtp server
     - invalid domain
     - connection failed

  • SvenSven
    thats a different error and most likely due to the vpn you use, because there is of course a valid smtp server for gmail

    anyway I have released an update that should help.
  • I updated the new version. But still got the same error
    the software worked fine with the first 60 emails (checked correct emails), but then show all error message like before. I used VPS, not VPN
  • SvenSven
    well what message in detail? Because you have two totally different status codes here.
  • the log is:

    No server log present.

    Possible one of the following reasons: 
     - cache was used
     - no smtp server
     - invalid domain
     - connection failed
  • as I told in previous message, the software checked about 60 first email fine, but then error with the rest emails
  • SvenSven
    not the log, I mean the status message on the main it now the RFC one or the "server not found" one?
  • It is server not found
  • SvenSven
    ok, that needs fixing from the VPS/VPN you use. it might block access to that ip somehow and then the program doesn't do the rest of these emails as well.
  • I guess that error before. but when I try to use proxies, it did not work with proxy . I mean the software did not work with proxies. Im sure proxies are working fine with my VPS but when I put them in software, it did not work. 
  • SvenSven
    most proxies do not work for email verification...they have to be of socks/connect type and even then most of them are banned on major providers.
  • so is there any way I can check them? use sock or backconect IP ?
  • SvenSven
    them = emails or them = proxies?
  • them = proxies

  • SvenSven
    With GSA Proxy Scraper you can test proxies against smtp servers. There is a demo version available as well.
  • Do you have recommed paid proxy service work for checking email?
  • SvenSven
    sorry no, this is hard to find really. But maybe you might want to try one of the verification apis I added in advanced options.
  • "one of the verification apis"
    sorry, what's it?
  • SvenSven
    in options -> advanced you have several options to use other on homepage to read details on there pages.
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