auto email creation for new projects
Anywhere I want
It would be great if gsa would create a new hotmail acct automatically and adjust its settings to the ideal ones upon creation of a new project.
i like to add this feature also,use paid captcha for creating this hotmail account. Or improve the GSA CB captcha solving for this hotmail captcha.
Swede, whats the bot?
Can you pm me a link please
Looks like it might be these bots
No mention if they add any kind of junk mail rule though
I asked one bot developer about adding a third part to a bot, which would make adding extra hotmails a breeze
And that was for an optional forwarding address
So the process would be
create hotmail account > add catch all rule > add forwarding address
I never heard back
All it would do is make adding multiple hotmail accounts a breeze
In the email address box you would then use them in the form {hotmail1|hotmail2|etc|etc}
Make sure you specify you want spam filter turned on. My first order didn't, but my second order did.
@indylinks, please keep us posted.
Guy posted a link on here today for 400 accounts with the catch all rule for $5
"I will put it on the list to do!"
I'm going to sell outlook accounts with Spam/Junk Override filter added:)
So on a related note, aside from just original email creation, how bout being able to access a file full of emails/pass that gsa can pull from once it detects the current email has been blacklisted?
Ideally it keeps creating them on the fly as needed, if not...sending an alert to us letting us know we need to upload fresh emails.
Another way to go may to just be able to rotate email accounts from a file. So that one project could use multiple emails, since we can buy pre made emails so cheap.