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How to Check My URL Success (Verify) Build Link


I have submit comment and other , on my GSA status is verify.. i check on my computer Roaming>GSA search Engine Ranker>site_list_success . When i check any url on browser, says stielist_Blog Comment-Lokomedia CMS i don't show my url (anchor text) on sitelist verify.  how to i check and my website list success? how do I make sure my url actually being in taget url verify ?

Please help me..

Thanks very much

Best Regards,
Imam Budianto


  • SvenSven
    Thats a conman misunderstanding. All URLs you see in that file/folder are not holding your URL as those are the once that SER picked up originally as a submission start before it went on to another link on that site to submit.
  • so, Wheter I can not confirm that the url I actually already build..?
    how do I make sure my url actually being in taget url verify/build ?
  • SvenSven
    right click on project->show urls->verified
  • yes.. i have do that.. but in that url verify when i check on browser there not my url with anchor text.. how about this
  • SvenSven
    ok once again...what url do you open in browser? The one from the "show verified urls" dialog or one from the "site list" folder? Because the one in site lists are not the resulting verified urls but the one where the submission starts.
  • Ok, i just send you messege.. i send u all url

    Thanks before
  • SvenSven
    OK got that data and you really mean the URLs in the verified URLs folder. This folder does not hold URLs build but the URLs found first before it eventually went on to a deeper path and submitted to a different link.

    It's like this:

    1. SER finds a new URL using search engines:
    2. Detected as Engine XYZ -> saved to identified site list folder
    3. Submission starts-> but on submission it decides to post to -> BUT adding to "submitted site list":
    4. verified it -> adding to "verified site list" again as

    For SER it does not matter what path is added to the size only matters a path where it can start from. Site lists are not meant to be used as a source of all verified urls with your url on it but as a nother source to submit for other projects.
  • Dear Sven,

    Thank very much for this explanation..wheter this is all manipulation..  so, how to i certain that my project is success.. Wheter i must waiting my target keywords were on page one google..

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